2008 m. lapkričio 3 d., pirmadienis

War history

Chapter 1

World War I

The first sign of armies were during the Color Wars. These started as long as most people can remember. This is World War 1. Many of the armies were disorganized. The biggest army was Red. The first Red army leader was Korn#### With an organized army and a strong leader with many loyal soldiers, this army raised to the top. It had many foes, but conquered them with great leadership. With great armies comes trust, but with trust comes trustworthiness, trustworthiness can not always bring friendship and loyalty. The Red leader was overthrown, but the Reds still remained powerful for a little while. Then they began falling apart and eventually they fell with the other color armies. During the middle of this war, The Pirates rose. Lead by Lufi, the Pirates were huge, they nearly controlled every server. The Pirate Ship, Beach, Dock, and Ski Village would all be full of Pirates. Until one day, where all of the armies banned together to stop the Pirates. The UMA ended up hacking their site. In the end, the Pirates were defeated and CP armies contuined to the next era.

Chapter 2

World War II

After the Color Wars which lasted till January 2007, armies like UMA, Nachos, and ACP were forming, but the Roman and Viking Wars just begun. This is known as World War II. This lasted a few months, but eventually both of the armies slowly went away. Regarding the ACP, UMA, and Nachos, they were not by far the bigger of the armies after the color wars. CPM (Club Penguin Marines) grew to an amazing number. Many said that the leader Sbl1999 was really strict and only ranked 4 members. The CPM had numerous accounts of trying to overthrow their leader. Eventually the leader got overthrown and the CPM collapsed. This happend during World War II. Another army that was big was the CPAF (Club Penguin Air Force). With their leader Dbpenguin, many troops are still loyal to this day. They had many people who joined, but this army fell apart when Dbpenguin (Dani) had to go to summer camp. The replacement leader slowly let the CPAF fall.

Chapter 3

World War III

The UMA (Underground Mafias Army) rose to it’s highest right after WW II. With a great leader in Pinkmafias they became a powerful army. They had so many troops, they had to split the army in half. With this there was a Red UMA and a Blue UMA. The Nachos were an army started as far as most can remember. Tom Wolf, was the 2nd leader of the Nachos. He gained many troops and had a ton of respect. The Nachos were one of the biggest around WW III. The ACP (Army of Club Penguin) was slowly gaining respect in this army world of CP. With an intelligent leader they grew more and more popular. Oagalthorp found out that the UMA hacked, but they only hacked coins back then. Still Oagalthrop found that to be wrong and went to war with UMA. On the ACP side was CPM and CPAF. The UMA had the Nachos. At first, the UMA were kicking ACP’s butt. Then in early May the unthinkable happened, the UMA had a rebellion. This rebellion was led by Commando717. Commando was a really high rank in the Blue UMA. He called his rebellion RPF (Rebel Penguin Federation). This rebellion started off slow and small, but gained more and more members every day. First they took over one of UMA’s bases in Tuxedo. Successful, they invaded Mammoth. Then Oagalthorp sent a letter to RPF asking for an alliance to help defeat UMA. The RPF accepted and the UMA were defeated. Soon after the end of World War III, Pinkmafias was banned and made a new penguin Uma Pm. He soon quit for a year and made a plan to come back in a year.

Chapter 4


After the World War III, there was an era of peace. The wars decreased and peace between armies was at its highest point. A few accomplishments were made during this era. ANTA (Army National Treaty Agreement) was made, but failed a short time afterword. This era almost ended, almost.

Chapter 5


After World War III, the RPF had an idea of creating a nation. So the ACP had the 1st page on the USA. The RPF had the 2nd. The Nachos had the third page. Soon after, the Nachos invaded Canada under their 2nd in Command Shadow2446. They conquered Canada. Now they have the biggest Nation with 38 Servers. There is the FCA (Federal Commonwealth of Australia). This had given the PRA (Peoples Republic Army), the Rebels Army, and the Spartans the Australian Servers. At the moment, smaller sized armies are controlling Brittan Servers.

Chapter 6


After WW III, all of the armies had an alliance. GPR (Gugu Pengu’s Romans) broke this alliance by using slave labor and hammering the USA with insults. So RPF, ACP, UMA, and Golds went to war with GPR. Most of the GPR didn’t show up. In the end, Gu Gu Pengu surrendered and faded away. It was fairly quite after that until sometime in December Pinkmafias returned with his friend Lectriclew. They took back control of UMA. Lectriclew got his old penguin by serving his ban and was now known as Compwiz5000. The UMA broke the treaty with ACP and almost caused a World War! The Nachos sided with UMA so they could keep their land in Canada. The ACP was alone. Eventually the ACP was considered the winner, since the UMA and Nachos signed a treaty with ACP. Then Pink and Comp quit, only to come back the next day, but then shortly quit again to play W.O.W.

Chapter 7

The Allied War

Soon in January, 2008 after a long peace time on Club Penguin, but terror struck. Nations like the CPM (Club Penguin Military) started an alliance with other nations to help stop wars in the future. That plan didn’t work, The ACP had gotten upset by how Akabob22 co leader of the Nachos was acting. He was accusing the ACP for other wars. The ACP soon declared war on the Nachos. The CPM started the Allied Forces to help the ACP in the war. That helped the ACP for the short weeks in January, but soon the Nachos became angry with the Allied Forces. They responded with an alliance called the Allied Powers made up of UMA, Nachos, and Watex Warriors. RPF decided the stay neutral, they could tell this could be a long war. Soon all nations started attacking eachother in battle. The Allied Forces crushed Allied Power deffences. Soon in Febuary the Allied Forces knocked the Watex Warriors out of the war. The Allied Forces decided to attack UMA since they had a higher military threat than the Nachos. Soon in late Febuary The Allied Forces attacked the UMA’s base, Mittens. Soon on the 29th they surrendered. Now the Nachos were the only ones to defeat. Soon Oagalthorp, Chrisdude100, and Coolguy12348 discussed an invasion to end the war. They found a date and on that very day, March 5th, 2008 the Allied Forces launched the greatest invasion in War History. They won and the United Club Penguin was now in peace as the Nachos surrendered that very day.

Chapter 8

The Civil War

Soon after the Allied War nations wanted peace and started the last and final alliance, the League of Nations. Nothing was happening through out Club Penguin but only one unspeakable place, Blizzard, right after Blizzard’s cold war it evolved into actual fighting. North Blizzard was the blue army and South Blizzard was the red army. North Blizzard and South Blizzard had been in their cold war for a whole year. This Civil War lasted for months as North and South Blizzard were fighting. Soon the CPM got envoved and helped South Blizzard. South Blizzard won the war and the United Blizzard is at peace

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